Saturday, February 28, 2009

p r e t t y / w i n g s . . .

my baby was in the hospital all night.. and had me worried as fck !.
but he called :] and he's okayy. on his bus ride home ther was an accident;
and i guess it was protocol to make him get checked on...
but; we had a good day today. no fighting. no angriness. no negativity.
i love my fly GUY & he loves me & fck everythin else...

:] i'm sleepyy. guna go cake wid my baby on the phone
&& call it a night. ohhhh.. but FA REAL THOUGH!
when is maxwell droppin his next album? i miss that man's voice..
&& i wana hear the full song "pretty wings" it makes me anxious
only hearing snippets! gay!

--goin to look at puppies tomoro :] wish me luck.

night my lovelieees [kishes!)


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