Sunday, October 11, 2009

E Q U A L I T Y x3

i'm not here to discuss laws, just my thoughts.
its funny how i never, even as a child, questioned my
sexuality. i never thought twice about others' either.
things like sexuality just seem natural to me...
like being born puerto rican; it is what it is.

and thats exactly what i believe, i think people are
truly born homosexual, and even bisexual. i can see
how some people see love rather than a persons' sex.
how anybody, no matter who they are, can make you
feel special, important & just OR woman!

anyways; i've never understood how people don't see
things the way i do, i've always thought i was a very
rational thinker. FOR EXAMPLE; african americans
were slaves, they had NO rights, they had NO laws to
protect them. but that's all gone now, they can vote,
they can do anything anybody else can, they are even
apologized to if their ancestors were enslaved...
and those are EQUAL RIGHTS. employers cannot
pass judgement due to sex, race, religion...

BUT where are the equal rights for gays?
why don't they deserve the same as everyone else?
they're judged, they have to hide their sexual preference
if they're in the military, and what seems most DISGUSTING
of all the rights they are not allowed...they can't marry.

i'm upset by this for so many reasons, i'm not gay, but
this affects me as well. i have homosexual friends & family
& i hate that they won't be allowed what i am.
heterosexual couples, for the most part, don't even
respect their marriages. divorce rates get higher every yr.
and you want to tell people who actually want to
spend their lives with a person they love, or atleast
be given the same chance as everyone else to try to...

i just feel like women rights, african american rights,
religious rights, and gay rights should all go hand-in-hand.
-the quality of being the same in quantity
or measure or value or status
-a state of being essentially equal or equivalent;

equally balanced; "on a par with the best"

the only reason its ever even an issue is because of religion;
but in my opinion religion and politics should have nothing
to do with one another. and for all you ultra-conservatives
who are standing in the way of these peoples rights...
take a hint from the bible...
"God Will Judge Us the Way We Judge Others"

anyways; i don't wana ramble anymore...i'm just saying.
beside giving us universale healthcare & strengthening
our economy...this is a change that Obama needs to work on.


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